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Technical Director Interview (Digital Production)

Interview with the Digital Production magazine about the role of a Technical Director.

DIGITAL PRODUCTION reports in German on digital content creation, CGI, digital art, game development, compositing, grading and rendering as well as video, cameras, VFX, SFX and broadcast. The interview was part of the educational section "What does a ... do?"

The "TD" - Technical Director - has one of the simplest and at the same time the most difficult jobs. "Finding technical solutions for all problems that arise" sounds easy at first, but the larger the production, the more complex the problems become. This not only demands technical understanding, but also an artistic background in order to understand the issues as well as social skills to get along and to work well with other people in the production.

by Bela Beier


Read the full article (in German) in the Digital Production magazine or here:


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